Health Services (BA)

The health services major is an interdisciplinary course of study designed to prepare students to work in health care. The program analyzes the structure of the health care industry; identifies cultural, legal, and environmental factors that impact health; and provides students with communication and management skills. Students choose one of two specialization tracks: Managing Health Services Programs and Projects or Community Health Assessment.


A minimum total of 120 credits is required for the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in health services. Of this total, the major consists of 3 credits of prerequisite courses and 33 credits of core and specialization courses. CGS online offerings are marked with (Web) or (Hybrid) on the program website. See our General Education program page for the remaining degree requirements.

Program Prerequisite

This major has a computer competency prerequisite requirement: Students may take one of the following computer courses:

Format: Web

Health Services Curriculum

Health Field Core: (15 credits)

All five courses are required.

Note: New course number effective Spring 2023. Formerly: COMMRC 1730: Special Topics: Health Communication (SEC 75XX)
Format: Web
Format: Web
Note: formerly HRS 1017 Intro to Epidemiology
Format: F2F and Web
Format: Web
Format: F2F and Web

Specialization Tracks: (18 credits)

Students take a total of two required courses and four elective courses. Check with an academic advisor for course availability and additional elective options.

Track 1: Managing Health Services Programs and Projects

The Managing Health Services Programs and Projects track gives students key administrative and business skills, with an emphasis on grant and research project management.

Required Courses: (6 Credits)

Choose one Management and one Organizational course from the list below:

Format: F2F and Web

* If two organizational courses are taken, one will count as an MHSPP elective.

Electives: (12 Credits)

Choose four courses from the list of approved electives.

Format: Web
Format: Hybrid
Format: F2F and Web
Format: F2F and Web
Format: F2F and Web
Note: replaces HRS 1006 Intro to Human Nutrition, effective Summer 2024
Format: F2F and Web
Format: F2F and Web
Track 2: Community Health Assessment

The Community Health Assessment track provides skills to assess the physical, social, and environmental factors influencing health behaviors.

Required Courses: (6 Credits) 

Choose two of the following:

Format: Web

Format: F2F and Hybrid


Format: F2F and Web

Electives: (12 Credits)

Choose four courses from the list of approved electives.

Format: Web
Format: Hybrid
Format: F2F and Web
Format: F2F and Web
Format: F2F and Web
Note: replaces HRS 1006 Intro to Human Nutrition, effective Summer 2024
Format: F2F and Web
Note: cross-listed with HRS 1515
Format: F2F and Web
Format: F2F and Web
Format: Hybrid
Format: F2f and Web

Program Planning Checklist

Use the Health Services BA checklist (PDF) to plan and track your progress in the major.


Gain practical experience—and marketable skills—in a healthcare setting. We’ll help you find an internship that fits your goals and schedule. Health Services students enroll in CGS 1900 Choosing Your Path Internship. Learn more about internships »

Global Experiences / Study Abroad

Consider completing an international or domestic experience to gain a global and local perspective on health and health care. The Disaster Relief and Response in Oregon summer study-away program will give you an insight into disaster management in the U.S. You will earn a Wilderness First Aid certification and fulfill an elective for your Community Health Assessment concentration. Explore study abroad opportunities »

Need Advising for This Program

Requirements are subject to change. Check with a CGS academic advisor before registering.